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special edition webinar

Dawn's Dugout

Q&A with Dawn Brolin + live Ignition demo

Monday, August 7 at 2pm ET


Join us for a special edition of Dawn's Dugout with Dawn Brolin, CPA, CFE, and The Designated Motivator for Accounting Professionals. Dawn will host a live Q&A session and demonstrate how she powers her practice with Ignition.


Session highlights

spark-orange-50px- signatureOpen Q&A with Dawn Brolin 

spark-orange-50px- signature

Dawn's recommendations for proposals, pricing, and getting paid 

spark-orange-50px- signatureSee Dawn's own Relationship Pricing Template in action 

spark-orange-50px- signatureLive product demo of Ignition


Don't miss this opportunity to go behind the scenes with one of the industry's best – Dawn Brolin. Register today! 



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Hear why Ignition is part of Dawn's starting line up

Connect with Dawn Brolin and learn how to get paid, every time.